Find plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (2024)

When you use Google Flights to find plane tickets, you can get the best fares for where and when you want to travel. Use Google flights to:

  • Find and book round-trip, one-way and multi-city tickets.
  • Use an interactive calendar and price graph to find the best fares.
  • Filter your flight search by cabin class, airline and number of stops.

Google Flights allows you to book flights from more than 300 airline and online travel agency partners. These partnerships have no impact on the ranking of offers suggested to you.

Find your flights

  1. Go to Google Flights.
  2. Enter your departure city or airport and destination.
    • Tip: You can also find destinations by clickinga popular destinations list ora world map.
  3. At the top, select your ticket type: one-way, round-trip or multi-city.
  4. At the top, select the number of passengers and cabin class.
  5. Click the calendar to select your flight dates. You'll see the lowest total price to fly for each day.
    • Tip: Flight prices are updated approximately once every 24 hours.
  6. Optional:
    • To filter your results, click Stops, Airlines, Times or More.
    • To reorder flights, click Sort by Find plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (1). You can see results byBest Flights (a default order that gives you the best trade-off between price and convenience, based on factors such as duration, number of stops and airport changes during layovers), Price, Duration and Departure time.
  7. Choose a flight for each part of your trip.
  8. Choose how you'll book the flight:
    • When you click Select for your ticket(s), you'll usually be taken to the airline's website or online travel agency to complete the transaction.
    • In some cases, you can book separate tickets for one trip.
  9. Once you've booked a flight, contact the airline or online travel agent to confirm your booking, change it, cancel it or to resolve any issue that may arise.

For more information, refer to the airline or online travel agent's terms and conditions on their site.

Tip: If your flight can't be booked online, you'll see instructionsto book by phone.

Flight insights

After searching for your tickets, 'Flight insights' gives you options to optimise your travel experience.

Find plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (2)Tips:Find recommendations for when to book your ticket, cabin upgrades, travel guides and more.

Find plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (3)Dates:Explore which travel dates have the best fares.

Find plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (4)Airports:Showfares for alternative airports.

Find plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (5)Price graph:If your travel dates are flexible, explore fare trends by month or week.

    Booking separate tickets for one trip

    Flights can be bought as separate tickets from one or more partners. This option might appear when it could save you money or open more flight schedules.

    Instructions to buy tickets separately

    If you see a notice that both tickets can be bought in a single transaction from an online travel agency, click the link to visit their website.

    1. Visit the first airline or online travel agency's website.
    2. Double-check the price and buy your first ticket.
    3. Immediately visit the next airline's or travel agency's website and buy the second ticket, to make sure that your second ticket is still available. If your second ticket can't be bought, in most cases in the United States, you can call the airline to take advantage of 24-hour refund policies to refund the first ticket.


    • If you need to make changes, you might be charged a change fee for each ticket.
    • Each airline has different baggage rules and fees.
    • Buying separate tickets from different airlines may require claiming and rechecking baggage, which takes additional time, so plan accordingly.
    • If your outbound trip is delayed, for example in the case of a stopover or multi-city trip, you might miss your second trip. To find out about your options, contact the airline.

    Why some flights aren't included

    Google Flights uses over 300 partners, like airlines, online travel agencies and aggregators, to display its offers. Not all airlines or available flights are included, as a partnership with Google is required. Most of these partners provide Google with all prices and flight options that they would show on their own websites or through third-party sites. This ensures that you get a completeview of the flights and prices that matchyour search, without the need to check prices on multiple sites.

    Some flights might not show up when:

    • The flights are sold out or unavailable
    • The carrier hasn't yet been added to Google Flights

    About baggage fees, prices and more

    The price shown is only for the passenger air transport service itself, and includes VAT/GST and airport taxes. Additional fees may apply (baggage, credit card, etc.). The fees may vary depending on the airline or online travel agency option chosen.Any estimated baggage fees shown may be subject to additional government taxes.​

    If you notice a price discrepancy after you've selected your flight, use the feedback buttonFind plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (6) in the lower-left corner of the screen when searching on Google Flights.

    Specific or additional insurances and/or commercial warranties may be offered by the carriers. For more info, please visit the carrier's website.

    Related resources

    • Track flights and prices
    • Filter flight prices by baggage fees
    Find plane tickets on Google Flights - Computer (2024)


    Is Google Flights a good way to find flights? ›

    Google Flights is a robust search tool for those looking to book flights. Although it's easy to use, don't be fooled by its simple appearance. It contains a wide variety of filter options allowing you to design your perfect itinerary and save money while doing it.

    How to see price on Google Flights? ›

    Track prices for a route or flight
    1. Go to Google Flights.
    2. At the top, choose the number of stops, cabin class, and how many tickets you need.
    3. Choose your departure airport and destination.
    4. To track prices for this route, turn on Track prices.

    How do I find my plane ticket? ›

    If you booked a flight through an airline's website or through an online travel service like Expedia or Kayak, you'll find your reservation details in your account profile. If you're using a smartphone or tablet, you can use the airline or service's mobile app if available.

    Why can't I use Google Flights anymore? ›

    Google Will No Longer Be a Place to Book Travel as Fewer Travelers Were Using It. Google announced it will shut Book on Google for flights for users outside the U.S. at the end of September, and told Skift it will likewise end the feature in the U.S. sometime after March 31.

    How accurate are Google flight prices? ›

    In general, its prices are accurate and reflect the same prices as you'll find on the airline websites and other OTAs. However, in rare instances, Google Flights prices are wrong, or more accurately, the price info is outdated.

    How do I get the best out of Google Flights? ›

    Know when and where to fly

    Dates: You may notice that flight prices fluctuate when you choose a different day of the week. When you click Dates, you can find which travel dates have the best fares. Price graph: If your travel dates are flexible, clicking Price graph lets you explore fare trends by month or week.

    What is the best day of the week to buy airline tickets? ›

    As previously mentioned, booking airfare on Sunday is cheaper than other days of the week, especially Fridays. Be willing to fly mid-week. Since Thursdays tend to be the cheapest day to fly, see if you can tweak your travel plans so you depart and fly home during the week instead of on weekend days.

    Which day is the cheapest to fly when is best to book Google Flights data shows cost trends? ›

    Cheapest day of the week to fly

    If you're planning to book a flight, you may be trying to find the cheapest option. According to Google, it's cheaper to fly in the middle of the week, rather than on the weekend. Flights that take off between Monday and Wednesday can be between 12% and 20% cheaper than weekend flights.

    Are flights cheaper on Tuesdays? ›

    Tuesday is only believed to be a cheaper day to book flights because airlines often release sales starting from Monday night or Tuesday morning. This means that if you happen to look at flights on a Tuesday after a sale starts, you will probably get better flight deals than you would if searching on a Saturday.

    What airlines are not on Google Flights? ›

    There is one major exception, however. Southwest Airlines is not included in Google Flights because it doesn't have a partnership with Google. If you are looking for flights on this low-cost airline, you won't see the fares here, so check that company's website separately.

    How do I get my plane ticket if I bought it online? ›

    After purchasing your ticket online, download the file and print your ticket. Passengers can find their e-ticket files in the email sent to them. For domestic flights, passengers do not have to show their e-tickets at the security checkpoints.

    How far in advance is the best time to book a flight? ›

    Booking just a few days or weeks ahead will mean you have fewer options and more expensive fares. The best time to book airfare is within a window of 21 to 74 days before you plan to fly, and the cheapest tickets are generally on mid-week flights.

    Can you book flights directly on Google Flights? ›

    Search for flights on Google. After you select a flight, choose the Book on Google option, if available. Enter passenger details, such as name, gender, telephone number, birthdate, and email address. Click Continue.

    How to search for flights on Google? ›

    You can find cheap flight deals to anywhere in the world on Google Flights. Just enter your departure city, choose Anywhere as the destination, and select Explore. You can pick specific dates or leave departure and return dates blank if your plans are flexible. The cheapest fares to popular destinations will appear.

    Do all flights show up on Google Flights? ›

    Why some flights aren't included. Google Flights uses over 300 partners, like airlines, online travel agencies, and aggregators, to display its offers. Not all airlines or available flights are included, as a partnership with Google is required.

    Will Google Flights pay the difference? ›

    After you book, we monitor the price until the first flight in your itinerary departs. We then send you an email to let you know if the price dropped or not. You may also get an email update between booking and departure. If the price dropped, we pay you the difference back in Google Pay.

    What is the best website to book cheap flights? ›

    Summary of the Best Flight Booking Websites
    Flight Booking WebsiteOverall ScoreStar Rating
    Google Flights86.684.80
    1 more row
    May 23, 2024


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    Author: Van Hayes

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    Author information

    Name: Van Hayes

    Birthday: 1994-06-07

    Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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    Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

    Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.