Vastu Shastra Tips for East-Facing House: Your Path to Harmony (2024)

Table of Contents
How to Identify an East-Facing House Can an East-Facing House Vastu Plan Help craft your lucky lifestyle? Is the Main Gate in Your East-Facing House? A Blueprint for Your East-Facing Vastu Home How to Craft your master bedroom according to Vastu for East-Facing Houses Vastu Tips for Your East-Facing House Living Room Vastu for Your East-Facing House Kitchen Vastu Tips Perfecting Your Dining Room Energies Pooja Room Tips for East-Facing Homes Vastu Insights for East Facing Homes Water Tank Placement in Your East-Facing Vastu Secrets for Balcony for Good Luck and Health Choosing the Right Wall Colors for Your East-Facing House Vastu Tips for Crafting the Perfect Staircase What to Avoid in Your East-Facing House Plan FAQ’s Q.1 What is the significance of an east-facing house according to Vastu principles? Q.2 According to Vastu, which direction is considered the most auspicious for a house to face? Q.3 Is an east-facing house favorable in terms of Vastu principles? Q.4 What defines an east entrance in Vastu Shastra for an East-Facing House Vastu plan? Q.5 What's the best alternative if placing the main entrance door in the center is not possible in an East-Facing House Vastu plan? Q.6 What are the recommended wall paint colors for rooms with an east-facing orientation in an East-Facing House Vastu plan? Q.7 Is an east-facing house the ideal choice for Vastu compliance according to an East-Facing House Vastu plan? Q.8 Is an east-facing house considered favorable as per Vastu principles? Q.9 Can a lack of adherence to Vastu Shastra disrupt personal lives according to an East-Facing House Vastu plan? Q.10 Which plants are believed to bring luck to east-facing homes in an East-Facing House Vastu plan? References

Picture a world where every element fire, earth, water, air, and sky comes together to craft an environment that not only embraces you but elevates your quality of life. We live in a world that rushes by, dismissing time-honored practices as superstition. It's easy to overlook the profound science that lies at the heart of Vastu Shastra. This age-old discipline, dating back centuries, has silently shaped the design of homes, palaces, and workplaces, transcending mere belief to become a tangible framework rooted in natural energies. Therefore, these fundamental principles are not just esoteric concepts; they are the building blocks of serenity, positivity, and prosperity.

So, whether you're seeking expansion, healing, fame, harmony, or simply the joy of living, join us on this enlightening journey through Vastu Shastra. Today, we invite you to explore the essence of Vastu Shastra, where we unravel the secrets of harmonizing your living space with the forces of nature, with a particular focus on the east-facing house Vastu plan.

Our destination? A comprehensive guide tailor-made for those inhabiting east-facing homes, where you'll discover the keys to creating the perfect east-facing house Vastu plan. Let's embark on a quest for balance, happiness, and a home that resonates with the very essence of life itself.

How to Identify an East-Facing House

Discovering the orientation of your home is as simple as taking a step out of your front door. Stand there for a moment and observe which direction you're facing. If it's towards the east, congratulations! You've got yourself an East-Facing House! Now, you might be wondering why this matters.

An East House Vastu Plan isn't just a blueprint; it's a pathway to harmonious living. Think about your mornings—that invigorating touch of the early sun's rays. In an east-facing house, it's like nature's daily gift, with the sun rising in the east. It's your cue to start each day on a positive note.

In terms everyone can grasp, east-facing homes align perfectly with Vastu principles, drawing in an abundance of positive energy. So, if you're contemplating your dream home, remember this keyword: East House Vastu Plan. It's more than just a phrase; it's the key to a life filled with positivity and natural light.

Can an East-Facing House Vastu Plan Help craft your lucky lifestyle?

When it comes to creating a harmonious living space, the orientation of your home plays a pivotal role. So, are East-facing houses considered lucky? According to the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra, the answer is a resounding yes. Homes designed with their faces towards the east, or those with a significant portion of their layout dedicated to the east direction, are believed to attract fortune and good luck.

For those seeking to align their East-Facing House Vastu Plan with positive energy, here are some valuable Vastu tips to consider:

  • Kitchen Orientation: Your kitchen should ideally be located in either the northwest or southeast direction, ensuring that when you cook, you face the east, inviting positivity into your culinary endeavors.

  • Balconies to the East: Design any open spaces, like balconies, to face east. This ensures they receive maximum sunlight during the day, infusing your home with positivity.

  • Wall Heights: Keep the walls in the north and east directions slightly shorter than those in the west or south, maintaining Vastu balance.

  • Staircase Placement: If your house features a staircase, it's ideal to position it in either the west or south direction for better Vastu alignment.

  • Northeast Pooja Room: Place your Pooja room in the northeast corner of your home, as it symbolizes mental peace and serenity.

  • Rock Salt Bowls: Harness the universal healing properties of salt by placing bowls filled with rock salt in various corners of your home, enhancing the overall positive atmosphere.

  • Master Bedroom in the Southwest: Optimal Vastu recommends situating the master bedroom in the southwest direction for stability and harmony.

  • Living Room in the Northeast: To usher in prosperity and luck, position your living room in the northeast direction, aligning it with positive energies.

  • Crystal Globe in the Northeast: In an east-facing house plan for interiors, consider placing a crystal globe in the northeast corner, especially if there's a student in the house, to enhance their focus and learning.

So, if you're looking to infuse your living space with luck, positivity, and good fortune, remember these East Facing House Vastu Plan guidelines to create a home that's not just aesthetically pleasing but also spiritually enriching.

Is the Main Gate in Your East-Facing House?

When it comes to crafting the perfect East-Facing House Vastu Plan, don't overlook the significance of your main gate. This crucial element sets the tone for the energy that flows into your home. For those fortunate enough to own an east-facing house, the placement of the main gate deserves special attention. Vastu wisdom suggests that the main gate should be centrally located, steering clear of the northeast or southeast corners, which are considered inauspicious. If, however, your main entrance happens to be nestled in the northeast corner, it's essential to ensure it doesn't touch the corner itself; maintain a slight gap between the main door and the northeast wall.

Now, if your main gate faces the southeast direction, here are some Southeast Entrance Vastu tips to rectify any doshas:

Remember, a harmonious East-Facing House Vastu Plan isn't just about the layout; it's about the careful curation of every element, including your main gate, to ensure prosperity and positivity fill your living space.

A Blueprint for Your East-Facing Vastu Home

In the quest for a harmonious East-Facing Vastu House, these guidelines for room placement align with Vastu Shastra principles.

Type of Room

Preferred Direction as per Vastu Shastra

Drawing room, living room, and office


Guest room, kitchen, and living room


Study room, dining room, and children's room


Pooja Room


Kitchens, bathrooms, and staircases


Main doors

Right in the center

Storerooms, garages, master bedrooms


Staircases, overhead tanks


Verandah, atrium, entrance lobby, balconies, and other open spaces


How to Craft your master bedroom according to Vastu for East-Facing Houses

When crafting your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, giving special attention to the master bedroom can significantly impact the overall harmony of your living space. In the realm of Vastu design, positioning your master bedroom in the southwest corner is key. But it doesn't stop there; size matters too. Your master bedroom should be larger than the other rooms, ensuring it becomes a sanctuary of tranquility and comfort.

Now, let's dive into the specifics. Vastu wisdom suggests that your bed should be placed against either the west or south wall of the room. This alignment ensures that when you rest, your head points toward the west or south while your feet extend in the east or north direction—a subtle but vital nuance for positive energy flow.

If you're considering a dressing room for added convenience and elegance, place it on the north or west side of the master bedroom. And here's a golden rule: keep the bathroom door perpetually closed and avoid aligning it directly in front of the bed. These nuanced adjustments in your East-Facing house's vastu plan can transform your master bedroom into a haven of tranquility and positive energy.

Vastu Tips for Your East-Facing House Living Room

When it comes to your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, don't underestimate the significance of your living room. According to Vastu wisdom, positioning your living room on the northeast side of your home can unlock a cascade of positive energy. But it doesn't stop there; here's a subtle yet impactful tip – ensure that the north and east walls of your living room are slightly thinner and shorter than their counterparts on the west and south. This strategic placement is believed to usher in prosperity, not just in your personal life but also in your professional endeavors.

Vastu for Your East-Facing House Kitchen

When it comes to your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, the kitchen is not just a space for culinary creations but also a center for positive energy in your home. Vastu Shastra offers clear guidance on its placement: the ideal location for your kitchen in an east-facing house is in the southeast direction. However, if that's not feasible, the northwest direction is a viable alternative. What's crucial is to steer clear of the north, west, or northeast directions.

Cooking with Vastu in mind is an art in itself. If your kitchen is facing southeast, ensure that you face east while preparing meals. On the other hand, if it's a northwest-facing kitchen, face west. These subtle adjustments are believed to harmonize the flow of energy in your home.

For an extra dash of positivity, consider placing your gas stove, ovens, or toasters on the southeast side of the kitchen, while reserving the southwest side for refrigerators or storage areas. This not only enhances the functionality of your kitchen but also invites the warmth of positive energies into your daily cooking rituals.

Vastu Tips Perfecting Your Dining Room Energies

When designing your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, don't overlook the dining room, for it's not just a place to savor meals but also a hub of positive energies. Vastu principles recommend that for east-facing houses, the dining room and kitchen should seamlessly flow together, occupying the south, west, or east sides of the house. It's a subtle yet powerful way to ensure that the energy exchange during meals remains harmonious.

Here's a key Vastu tip to keep in mind: the entrance door and the dining room door should never directly face each other. This strategic arrangement helps prevent the collision of energies and maintains a sense of balance in your home.

When it's time to gather around the dining table, align yourselves with the north, west, or east directions for optimal energy flow. However, there's a special seat of honor – the head of the family should always sit facing the east side. By following these nuanced guidelines, your dining room becomes not just a place to enjoy food but a space infused with positive vibes, making every meal a delightful and nourishing experience.

Pooja Room Tips for East-Facing Homes

In the realm of East-Facing House Vastu Plans, the inclusion of a pooja room holds immense significance. If your house is oriented towards the east, aligning your puja room in the northeast direction is not just a tradition but a powerful way to harmonize energies. Whether you have a cozy 2 BHK or a spacious 3 BHK east-facing house plan, the rules remain the same – the pooja room should always find its place far away from the bathroom.

Here's a fascinating twist to consider: if your entrance faces southeast, you have the opportunity to infuse your home with even more positive energy. Place three Vastu pyramids strategically—one on each side of the entrance doors and the third atop the main door. To further enhance the aura of your entrance, adorn both door sides with the auspicious symbols of Swastika, Om, and Trishul. These small yet significant adjustments can transform your East-Facing house's Vastu Plan into a haven of positivity and spirituality.

Vastu Insights for East Facing Homes

Enhancing your East-Facing house's Vastu Plan isn't just about the layout; it's also about the art and artifacts that grace your living spaces. These elements can have a profound impact on the energy and atmosphere within your home.

  • For nurturing strong bonds with friends and family, consider placing a painting of the rising sun in the east direction. Its warm, inviting glow symbolizes new beginnings and harmonious relationships.

  • When it comes to wealth and prosperity, the east wall of your living room can become a canvas for success. Adorn it with a painting of seven horses, a Vastu-approved symbol of financial growth and abundance.

  • Don't forget the power of color. Green, associated with the air element, aligns with the eastern part of your house. To invite growth and vitality, hang a picture depicting lush greenery in the east direction.

  • And finally, to infuse your home with laughter and positivity, welcome a statue of the laughing Buddha onto the eastern side. Its joyful presence serves as a reminder that happiness and harmony are always just around the corner.

Incorporating these artifacts into your East-Facing House Vastu Plan isn't just about aesthetics; it's about creating an environment where positivity and prosperity thrive.

Water Tank Placement in Your East-Facing

In the design of your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, even the placement of your water tank plays a crucial role. According to Vastu principles, the ideal location for your water tank is either in the northeast or north direction. This strategic positioning not only ensures a smooth flow of water but also aligns your home with positive energy.

Now, if your water tank is an overhead one, consider placing it in the west or southwest direction. However, there's a cardinal rule of Vastu that must be adhered to: the water tank should never occupy the central core of your house. This practice is rooted in the belief that the center should remain open to allow energy to circulate freely, bringing harmony and prosperity to your living space.

When you incorporate these nuanced guidelines into your East Facing House Vastu Plan, you're not just optimizing practicality but also inviting positivity and balance into every corner of your home.

Vastu Secrets for Balcony for Good Luck and Health

In the meticulous crafting of your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, the significance of open spaces, such as balconies, cannot be understated. Vastu wisdom dictates that these areas should ideally find their place in the east. Why? Because an unobstructed source of natural light is essential to drawing in positive energies, when you have open spaces in the east direction of an east-facing house, you're essentially inviting good luck and health to permeate the very essence of your home.

However, there's a crucial aspect to ponder: if the east corner of your house is obstructed, it can potentially lead to health issues for the occupants. Vastu teaches us that energy flows like a gentle stream, and when it encounters blockages, it can create imbalances. Hence, incorporating open spaces in the east direction of your East-Facing House Vastu Plan not only enhances the aesthetics but also ensures the well-being and harmony of your family.

Choosing the Right Wall Colors for Your East-Facing House

When it comes to turning your East-Facing House Vastu Plan into reality, choosing the right wall colors is more than just aesthetics; it's about optimizing the play of light. With its east-facing orientation, your home is bathed in morning sunlight, but come afternoon, a touch of artificial light might be necessary. Hence, your paint selection should consider both natural and artificial lighting scenarios.

In the palette of possibilities, hues of green and blue emerge as popular choices for east-facing rooms. Rooms adorned with a calming blue, perhaps with a subtle hint of gray, evoke a soothing ambiance. On the other hand, green tones with aquatic accents infuse a breath of freshness into your living spaces.

For those embracing minimalism, lighter shades like pink and white can work wonders. They not only create an airy and spacious feel but also amplify the play of natural light, ensuring your East-Facing House remains a canvas of positivity and tranquility, from dawn to dusk.

Vastu Tips for Crafting the Perfect Staircase

When weaving the tapestry of your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, don't overlook the often-neglected yet essential element – the staircase. Vastu principles offer valuable insights into its placement. For an east-facing home, the ideal location for the staircase is in the west, southwest, or south direction. This careful positioning ensures that your staircase doesn't obstruct the gentle embrace of morning sunlight that graces your home.

However, there's a vital guideline to remember: the staircase should never find its place in the northeast corner of your house. This precautionary measure guards against the intrusion of direct sun rays into your living spaces, preserving the peaceful ambiance of your home.

Another intriguing facet of the Vastu staircase design is the direction of the ascent. According to Vastu wisdom, building the stairs in a clockwise direction imparts a sense of positive flow and harmony to your living space. By adhering to these nuanced principles in your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, you're not just crafting a staircase; you're creating a path that harmonizes energies and elevates the overall well-being of your home.

Are you ready to create a harmonious and prosperous living environment in your East-Facing House? Start by exploring our East-Facing House Vastu Plan blueprints below and bringing the science of Vastu Shastra to life:

  • 30x40 East Facing House Vastu Plan

  • 20x50 East Facing House Vastu Plan

  • 30x50 East Facing House Vastu Plan

  • 30x50 East Facing House Vastu Plan

What to Avoid in Your East-Facing House Plan

When crafting your East-Facing House Vastu Plan, it's equally crucial to know what to avoid. Vastu Shastra provides valuable guidelines to steer clear of potential negative energies. Here's a list of "Don'ts" to keep in mind:

  • Avoid Trees in the north or East: When landscaping, refrain from planting trees in the north or east direction to ensure the free flow of positive energy around your home.

  • Toilets in the Northeast: Avoid placing toilets in the northeast direction at all costs. It's believed to disrupt the flow of positive energy.

  • No Septic Tanks in the Northeast: Just like toilets, septic tanks should never find their place in the northeast direction of the house.

  • Unobstructed Entrance: Ensure your entrance isn't obstructed by poles or trees, as this can hinder the flow of positive energy into your home.

  • Kitchen in the Northeast: The heart of your home, the kitchen, should never be located in the northeast direction, as it may invite unfavorable energies.

  • Garage in the Northeast: Avoid placing the garage in the northeast direction, as it can disrupt the harmonious balance of your home.

  • Staircases in the Northeast: The northeast corner should remain free of staircases to maintain an unobstructed energy flow.

  • Avoid Overcrowding the Northeast: Keep the northeast corner of your house free from clutter or excessive furnishings to allow for a seamless energy flow.

  • No Mirrors in Front of the Bed: Placing a mirror directly in front of the bed is discouraged, as it can disrupt peaceful sleep and harmonious energy.

  • Slope Away from North or South: The plot should not have a slope towards the south or north direction, as this can create imbalances.

By steering clear of these Vastu Shastra "Don'ts," you can create a home that not only looks beautiful but is also brimming with positive energy and harmony.

Take Away

As you embark on your journey to create the perfect East-Facing House Vastu Plan, remember that Vastu Shastra is not merely a collection of ancient beliefs; it is a profound science that has the power to significantly enrich your quality of life. By aligning your home with the natural energies of the universe, you hold the keys to unlocking serenity, positivity, and prosperity.

Whether you are in the process of building your dream home or seeking to enhance the positive energy in your current abode, embrace the wisdom of Vastu Shastra. Let it be your guiding light as you design a space that resonates with the very essence of life itself—a place where every room, every corner, and every element works in perfect harmony to elevate your overall well-being.

As you unlock the potential of your home by infusing it with positivity, you have the opportunity to create a haven of balance and happiness. Your East-Facing House is not just a structure; it can become a sanctuary where you thrive in perfect harmony with the forces of nature. So, embrace this journey today, and let Vastu Shastra help you craft the home of your dreams—an oasis where your life unfolds in tune with the universe.


Q.1 What is the significance of an east-facing house according to Vastu principles?

An east-facing house is one where the main entrance aligns with the east direction, following the compass orientation. This alignment is symbolically tied to the rising sun and its association with positive attributes such as light, life, and energy in the context of an East-Facing House Vastu plan.

Q.2 According to Vastu, which direction is considered the most auspicious for a house to face?

When determining the ideal orientation for a home, it's essential to consider the direction you face when leaving the house, as this defines the house's orientation in an East-Facing House Vastu plan. As per Vastu principles, the direction of the main entrance holds significant importance when planning a home. The most auspicious entrances align with the northeast, east, and northwest directions.

Q.3 Is an east-facing house favorable in terms of Vastu principles?

Certainly, an east-facing house holds a special place in Vastu beliefs. East signifies life, energy, and the first light of day as the sun rises from this direction. It's this symbolism that makes east-facing houses highly regarded and fortunate for their inhabitants in the context of an East-Facing House Vastu plan.

Q.4 What defines an east entrance in Vastu Shastra for an East-Facing House Vastu plan?

In the context of Vastu Shastra and an East-Facing House Vastu plan, an east entrance refers to the direction you face when exiting your home through the main door. If you find yourself facing east as you step out of your home, your property is categorized as east-facing.

Q.5 What's the best alternative if placing the main entrance door in the center is not possible in an East-Facing House Vastu plan?

In cases where center placement isn't feasible in an East-Facing House Vastu plan, consider leaving a gap of approximately half a foot at the wall's corner before positioning the main entrance door. While it may not be the ideal scenario, this pragmatic approach can work when circ*mstances prevent door relocation in an East-Facing House Vastu plan.

Q.6 What are the recommended wall paint colors for rooms with an east-facing orientation in an East-Facing House Vastu plan?

For rooms with an east-facing orientation in an East-Facing House Vastu plan, it's advisable to choose wall colors after considering both natural and artificial lighting. Optimal hues include various shades of blue, green, grey, and aqua, creating a serene and balanced atmosphere.

Q.7 Is an east-facing house the ideal choice for Vastu compliance according to an East-Facing House Vastu plan?

While north-facing houses rank highest in Vastu compliance, east-facing houses come as a close second, aligning with Vastu principles for harmonious living in an East-Facing House Vastu plan.

Q.8 Is an east-facing house considered favorable as per Vastu principles?

Undoubtedly, Vastu principles hold the East in high regard due to its positive symbolism in an East-Facing House Vastu plan. With the sun rising from the east, this direction is synonymous with light, life, and vitality, making an east-facing house exceptionally fortunate for its residents.

Q.9 Can a lack of adherence to Vastu Shastra disrupt personal lives according to an East-Facing House Vastu plan?

Absolutely, Vastu Shastra delves into property layout, design, ventilation, and directional alignment—a practical approach to preventing disturbances and fostering an open, harmonious atmosphere. When this harmony is disturbed, it can indeed lead to disruptions in the personal lives of residents in an East-Facing House Vastu plan.

Q.10 Which plants are believed to bring luck to east-facing homes in an East-Facing House Vastu plan?

In the realm of east-facing homes and an East-Facing House Vastu plan, certain plants are believed to attract good fortune. These include aloe vera, daffodils, citrus plants, money plants, neem plants, basil plants, lucky bamboo, banana plants, and plum blossoms, among others.

Vastu Shastra Tips for East-Facing House: Your Path to Harmony (2024)


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